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Jurisdictions news

08.08.2023 Croatia introduces public reporting

Croatia published in the Official Gazette a Law dated July 18, 2023, providing for the introduction of public country reporting.

03.08.2023 UAE improves tax supervision procedure

The Ministry of Finance of the UAE announced the adoption of Resolution No. 74 of 2023 "On the Executive Regulations of Federal Decree-Law No.

02.08.2023 Germany implements minimum global tax

The German Federal Ministry of Finance has published a bill that will introduce the EU directive on minimum taxation into domestic legislation.

28.07.2023 Israel is reforming the concept of a tax resident

The Israeli Ministry of Justice has published a bill radically changing the definition of tax residency for personal income tax purposes.

20.07.2023 Denmark denounced the tax agreement with the Russian Federation

The Kingdom of Denmark, by Note No. 27/23 dated June 19, 2023, officially notified the Russian Federation of the denunciation

19.07.2023 Ireland conducts tax reform

The Irish Government is consulting on new taxation measures that will apply to outgoing payments made in favor of related parties in countries included in the list of EU countries that do not cooperate with the EU or have low taxes.

18.07.2023 Kazakhstan has published a "white list" of CFC countries

Kazakhstan has been published Order No. 680 of June 19 approving the list of countries with a valid income tax agreement with Kazakhstan and a nominal income tax rate exceeding 75% of the Kazakhstan income tax rate.

14.07.2023 Is Common law able to regulate cryptocurrency?

The Law Commission of England and Wales has published recommendations on the reform and development of legislation related to digital assets.

10.07.2023 UnionPay bypassed Visa by debit cards

According to the international research center Nilson Report, last year the Chinese payment system UnionPay for the first time surpassed the American Visa in the debit card market: the share of transactions on its debit cards reached 40.03%, and Visa — 38.78%.

07.07.2023 BRICS don't need a common currency?

The new development bank created by the BRICS (the bloc includes Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) has no short-term plans to create a common currency.

04.07.2023 Millionaires choose UAE

According to the results of a study by Henley & Partners, another 4,500 millionaires may move to the Arab Emirates in 2023.

03.07.2023 Will bloggers be liable in Kazakhstan?

Kazakhstan has consolidated the status of bloggers and their financial liability before the law.

27.06.2023 FATF expands Grey List

At the last plenary meeting of the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF), it was noted that several jurisdictions have not yet met the agreed deadlines for tightening the anti-money laundering (AML) rules in accordance with the FATF recommendations.

26.06.2023 HMRC can't collect the necessary taxes?

The amount of taxes not collected by His Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has grown to 36 billion pounds in the 2021/22 tax year.

22.06.2023 Has the corporate veil become even more transparent?

The UK Home Office has proposed to reform the "identification doctrine" so that companies can be held criminally liable for crimes committed by management.

21.06.2023 Paying taxes in the EU is easy

The European Commission (EC) has proposed new rules to standardize income tax withholding procedures in all EU member states.

18.05.2023 The Brazilian Tax Service pays attention to trusts

The Brazilian Government has published Interim Measure No. 1171/23 on the distribution of foreign trust assets. In fact, this measure changes the rules for taxation of income from foreign sources received by Brazilian residents from financial investments and controlled organizations.

13.04.2023 UAE - Corporate tax exemption rules

The UAE Ministry of Finance has adopted Decision No. 43 on exemption from tax registration for the purposes of the Corporate Tax Law.

01.02.2023 EU members did not meet the deadline?

Fourteen EU member States have missed the official deadline set for the implementation of the provisions of Council Directive (EU) 2021/514 (DAC7) into national legislation.

10.08.2022 Central Bank of Cyprus` warning
The Central Bank of Cyprus (hereinafter referred to as the "CBC") has warned that the Limassol–based Sabax Bank has absolutely no license to operate issued by the supervisory authority.

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