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The central banks agree on the issue of digital currencies


The heads of the central banks of the European Union, Great Britain, Canada, Switzerland, Sweden and Japan are now agreeing to hold a meeting in mid-April to agree on their digital currencies. It is assumed that in the fall they can publish a joint report on this subject, Kyodo news agency reported on Thursday.

According to his sources, it has not yet been determined whether the central banks will actually issue digital currency, but they intend to carry out preliminary preparations for this. It is noted that the US Federal Reserve and China are also currently conducting independent research on this topic.

The heads of the central banks of the European Union, Great Britain, Canada, Switzerland, Sweden and Japan, Kyodo reports, intend to hold their first meeting on this subject in Washington during the upcoming session of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) there.

Source: https://tass.ru/ekonomika/7696603


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