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Jurisdictions news

15.05.2019 Austria introduces digital tax

The Government of the Republic of Austria is planing to introduce a digital tax.

14.05.2019 The European Parliament adopted a new resolution on fair taxation

On March 26th , 2019, the European Parliament approved a tax resolution aimed at ensuring of efficient and fair taxation, as well as combating the financing of terrorism.

07.05.2019 Adjustments to the Convention on the avoidance of double taxation between Russia and Austria

The President of the Russian Federation signed the law on ratification of the protocol to the convention between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Austria on the avoidance of double taxation with respect to taxes on income and capital.

06.05.2019 Guernsey, Jersey and Isle of Man published a joint guide to economic presence

On April 26, 2019 Guernsey, Jersey and Isle of Man released a joint guide to economic presence (“Guidance on aspects in relation to the economic substance requirements as issued by Guernsey, Isle of Man and Jersey”).

26.04.2019 British Virgin Islands - economic presence to be

On April 22, 2019, the British Virgin Islands (BVI) published a draft Economic Substance Code.

25.04.2019 Federal Tax Service of Russia will launch a risk register

By the end of the year, the Federal Tax Service of Russia will launch the Risk Register - an integrated system that will allow the creation of assessment models, as well as industry cards for timely informing taxpayers of possible risks.

23.04.2019 European countries continue to enter the register of beneficiaries

In the spring of 2019 Cyprus, Ireland, Slovakia and Belgium announced the introduction of open beneficiary registries.

18.04.2019 The Finance Ministry has developed a transferring of the 5 non-tax payments in tax collections

On April 2, 2019, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation published a bill to expand the list of Federal tax collections.

16.04.2019 Luxembourg ratified BEPS
On April 9th, 2019 Luxembourg has ratified the Tax Treaty Related Measures To Prevent Base Erosion And Profit Shifting (MLI BEPS) Agreement; it will enter into force since August 1st, 2019.

12.04.2019 Exporters of services will be provided with a tax deduction in the Russian Federation

Companies selling goods as well as providing services abroad will be able to receive a tax deduction on value added tax (VAT), which they will pay in Russia when purchasing materials or equipment.

11.04.2019 The foreign companies will be able to open accounts in Ukrainian banks

The National Bank of Ukraine has provided an opportunity to open accounts for subjects of the financial market of Ukraine - non-resident legal entities, including foreign investment funds and asset management companies that act on behalf of such funds.

10.04.2019 International Court of Justice for resolving investment disputes in the EU

On March 20th, 2018, the EU Council approved the adoption of the Directive on the creation of an International Court of Justice for the resolving of investment disputes.

08.04.2019 The European Commission examines foreign investments

The EU will adopt a new framework for the verification of foreign investments for security providing and regulation of public order.

05.04.2019 EU has postponed plans to adopt the digital tax

Currently, the EU has refused to introduce a tax on digital services in the near future, after the Finance Ministers once again failed to agree on proposals.

04.04.2019 In Singapore amendments to the BEPS agreement has entered into force

The Singapore Internal Revenue Service reported that the Multilateral Convention on the implementation of measures relating to tax agreements, in order to counter the erosion of the tax base and the withdrawal of profits from taxation (MLI BEPS) entered into force on April 1st, 2019 for several jurisdiction agreements concerning avoidance of double taxation.

03.04.2019 The ban on the maintenance of Shell-companies in Cyprus

The Central Bank (CB), being the Financial Regulator of Cyprus, has established a ban on the service of shell companies (dummy companies).

01.04.2019 The registry of beneficiaries in Cyprus will be introduced on January 1st, 2020

 Since January 1st, 2020, a register of final beneficiaries will be introduced in Cyprus, in accordance with 5th Anti-Money Laundering EU Directive entered in force in July, 2018

22.03.2019 Global Forum on the definition of beneficial owners

On March 20th, in the framework of the OECD Global Forum together with the Inter-American Development Bank a toolkit was prepared to assist law enforcement agencies in ensuring forum standards and as well as assistance in accessing to reliable information on identifying the ultimate beneficial owners of companies.

21.03.2019 Section about foreign companies on the website of the FTS of the Russian Federation

The Federal tax service has created a special section "Controlled foreign companies and controlling persons" on its website.

18.03.2019 Did the exchange with the UK stop?

On March 15th, 2019 Great Britain excluded Russia from the list of engaged in the automatic exchange of financial information, according to «The Bell».

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