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TOP cities in the world with the most overrated real estate

						The large Swiss bank UBS has published the results of its annual real estate market survey UBS Global Real Estate Index for 2024.

Experts have identified cities with the risk of a price bubble and inflated real estate prices.
The UBS Index is based on an analysis of 5 factors: the ratio of real estate value to income from it and the cost of rent, changes in the ratio of mortgages to GDP and construction to GDP, as well as the relative value of real estate in the city compared to the price in the country.
This year, Miami topped the risk rating, and Dubai showed the most significant growth since mid-2023. The UAE Emirate, which is the most popular among real estate buyers, turned out to be in the category of cities in the world with a moderate risk of a bubble.

TOP cities with a high risk of a real estate bubble:
1. Miami, USA
2. Tokyo, Japan
3. Zurich, Switzerland

TOP cities in the world where real estate prices can be called fair:
1. Milan, Italy
2. Warsaw, Poland
3. Stockholm, Sweden
4. Paris, France
5. New York, USA
6. London, United Kingdom
7. San Francisco, USA

Link to the source: https://www.ubs.com/global/en/wealth-management/insights/2024/global-real-estate-bubble-index.html

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