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In the UK the purchase of real estate must be proved


The new procedure of checking the sources of financing for the purchase of real estate “Unexplained Wealth Order” (UWO) entered into force in the UK on January 31st, 2018. This procedure allows the British authorities to request information about the sources of formation of funds of owners of English real estate. In case if the owner can not explain what funds purchased real estate, it can be confiscated by a court decision.

According to an order issued by the High court in England and the High court in Scotland, persons suspected of crimes, corruption and bribery will be required to provide with information about the source of their funds worth over £ 50,000. If a person is unable to provide with information on the origin of his funds, he can be fined or detained. Law enforcement authorities have the power to seize suspicious properties if a person refuses or is unable to provide information about the source of their funds under the Proceeds of crime Act.

Such rules will also apply to politicians from countries outside the European Union.

The law also provides for companies’ liability and partnerships in the form of fines and vicarious liability for assistance in tax evasion (both at home and abroad).

On materials of the following website: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/circular-0032018-criminal-finances-act-unexplained-wealth-orders/circular-0032018-unexplained-wealth-orders

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