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Tax incentives for start-ups in Switzerland are arguing


Federal Council of Switzerland has concluded recently that launching of special taxation start-ups’ measures on Swiss territory can inflict less revenues for national treasury.

In December of 2009 National Council of Switzerland appealed to Federal Council with request to fill an account to Swiss Parliament concerning imminent reducing of tax revenues in the case of predictable launching of taxation initiatives which are directed to start-up’s support. In the moment 12 000 of companies are annually incorporated on the Swiss territory and only half of them can run their business more than five years.

Federal Council has exercised reveal procedures of taxation relief plans 6 year term influence by rejection of stamp duty and tax on capital and also provided a right to use preference income tax rates.

Also Federal Council said that innovation start-up companies use tax relief schemes at regional level and in framework of national program of innovation promotion on all Swiss territory. And of course tax reliefs are stipulated for scientific research and constructive works.

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Expert’s opinion

Switzerland is popular among global businessmen community. Despite of clean air and Alpen meadows when you with proper construction of your structure you work with respectable jurisdiction, it can be win from a tax point of view.

Government provides to young and start-up companies tax relief, it is good in my opinion. Such method use all of civilized countries for attraction and development of small and medium business, which is possible to improve and bring money into a treasury.

Of course, most of all tax relief users are IT companies, nanotechnologies. Definitely,these arefuturedirections.

But if it wouldn’t be young companies support there are neither be business, nor state revenue.

Irina Lomakina ( Director of Moscow office of “Honest&Bright” Company)

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