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The Netherlands simplified requirements for company incorporation


5th October 2012

From 1st October 2012 the new act presented by the Ministry of security and justice of the Netherlands entered into force. It simplifies the procedure of private limited company incorporation.

One of the most important changes is cancellation of the minimal initial capital of 18,000 EUR. Now businessmen are free in determining the size of the capital.

Moreover, the compulsory condition of share transfer restriction, bank declaration and auditor’s certificate upon contributions in kind are also abolished.

Despite mentioned for company incorporation according to the standard rules the model Articles of Association was designed of one A4 sheet of paper.

Finally, with the adoption of the new act shareholders and groups of shareholders can appoint their own director, issue non-voting shares and adopt resolutions outside a formal general meeting of shareholders.

On the basis: http://www.government.nl/news
Expert’s opinion

The Government of the Netherlands judging by amendments to the law is interested enough in cultivating of the national investment environment.

Undoubtedly, adopted simplified provisions will bring a positive economic effect as they will stimulate the beginning entrepreneurs and small business in a whole.

In addition, drafting of the model form of the Articles of Association makes the procedure of incorporation more accessible and less bureaucratic.

That’s why we would like to draw Your attention to this European jurisdiction with flexible opportunities for business. Our specialists will help You with the registration process.

Julia Akhmetova ( Paralegal of Moscow office Company Honest & Bright)

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