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Switzerland – country with most competitive economics


In accordance with rating of competitiveness 2012-2013, constituted by the World Economic Forum, Switzerland is the country with the most competitive economics in the world the fourth consecutive year. Moreover, public authorities of Switzerland were recognized as the most effective and transparent by the character of activity in the world (independent judicial branch, rule of law, high level of public sector’s accountability, developed financial market, stable macroeconomic environment, perfect infrastructure, innovations, banner level of health service and education development).

On the 2nd place Singapore maintains, on the 3rd – Finland. Top ten leading countries includes Swiss, Netherlands, Germany, United Kingdom, United States, Hong Kong and Japan. Russia places the 67th position in this rating.

The main criteria of the rating is evaluating of countries politics in the sphere of business support and economic development.

Expert’s opinion

According to indicators of the rating it can be surely noticed that today the Scandinavian countries are the most reliable for investors. Consequently, national banks and financial institutions are consistent with reputation of these jurisdictions.

Remarkably enough that the old Switzerland despite huge pressure of America, Germany, France and Italy, despite permanent “merging” of depositors data base remains on the leading position for some consecutive years! This only highlights the stability of tax legislation of Switzerland.

We should also pay attention to development of economic and social indicators of the Asian region countries (Singapore, Hong Long, Japan) that from year to year improve their positions in the rating, for instance, Hong Kong was on the 11th place the previous year.

The secret of leading countries – in increasing of working efficiency and level of investments into private sector in conditions of uncertainty in relation to perspectives of the global economy development.

On the basis: http://www.weforum.org/issues/global-competitiveness

Julia Akhmetova ( Paralegal of Moscow office of company Honest & Bright)

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