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Jurisdictions news

21.03.2019 Section about foreign companies on the website of the FTS of the Russian Federation

The Federal tax service has created a special section "Controlled foreign companies and controlling persons" on its website.

18.03.2019 Did the exchange with the UK stop?

On March 15th, 2019 Great Britain excluded Russia from the list of engaged in the automatic exchange of financial information, according to «The Bell».

14.03.2019 EU updated the list of "not cooperating" tax jurisdictions

On March 12th, 2019 the European Commission updated the list of non-cooperating tax jurisdictions.

13.03.2019 OECD updated the list of countries

The official OECD website has published list of countries which joined to the expanded BEPS cooperation program by March 2019.

11.03.2019 Nepal and Bangladesh have signed an agreement on the avoidance of double taxation

On March 6th, 2019, Nepal and Bangladesh have signed an agreement on the avoidance of double taxation.

11.03.2019 Nepal and Bangladesh signed double taxation avoidance agreement

On March 6th, 2019, Nepal and Bangladesh signed a double tax treaty.

07.03.2019 Ratification of the Protocol on Amendments to the Agreement with Sweden

On March 6th, 2019, the President of the Russian Federation signed the Law on ratification of the Protocol to the Convention between the Russian Federation and Sweden on the avoidance of double taxation with respect to taxes on income.

04.03.2019 Americans track implementation of BEPS Plan

On February 21st , 2019, the inter - American Center of Tax Administration (CIAT) published a database reflecting the status of 36 participating countries in the implementation of agreements to combat the erosion of the tax base and the financing of terrorism within the framework of BEPS.

01.03.2019 Cyprus changes its citizenship by investment program

On February 13th, 2019 the Cabinet of Ministers of Cyprus has made a number of changes to the citizenship by investment program (Cyprus Investment program).

28.02.2019 Penalties for UBS

The Paris Сourt found the Swiss Bank UBS guilty of tax fraud.

28.02.2019 Fines for UBS?

A Parisian court found Swiss bank UBS guilty in tax fraud.

21.02.2019 Armenia has joined OECD special program

“The Inclusive Framework Program” is a project of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) with respect to the regulation of the erosion of the tax base and the withdrawal of income from taxation (BEPS).

18.02.2019 Panama introduces criminal liability for tax evasion

On January 31st, 2019, the President of Panama signed the Law on Criminal Responsibility for Tax Evasion.

14.02.2019 The European Commission has approved a new “black list”

The European Commission approved a new list of 23 countries with deficiencies in the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism.

07.02.2019 Switzerland and Ukraine - amendments to the agreement on avoidance of double taxation

On January 24th, 2019, Ukraine and the Confederation of Switzerland signed the Protocol on amendments to the agreement on avoidance of double taxation dated 30.10.2000.

28.01.2019 The Netherlands has created a «black list»

On December 28th, 2018 the Dutch government has published a national list of jurisdictions with low tax rates, which will be used as a tool to combat cross-border schemes to dilute the tax base and remove income from taxation.

25.01.2019 Owners of British offshore will be revealed not earlier than 2023 year

The UK government specified the deadline for launching public registries of beneficiaries of companies established in the Overseas Territories.

24.01.2019 Qatar, Saint Kitts and Nevis have joined the OECD BEPS agreement

On January, 18th, 2019, Qatar, Saint Kitts and Nevis have joined the BEPS program on base erosion and profit shifting.

23.01.2019 The EU has made changes in the VAT system for Internet companies

The European Council has adopted new rules designed to facilitate Internet companies to trade within the EU.

17.01.2019 The National Bank of Ukraine has completed the exchange control regulations

In early January 2019, the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) approved the regulations for a proper operation of the new currency regulation system.

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