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Caymans - the best in the ranking of The Banker


The English monthly magazine The Banker, dedicated to international finance, which is owned by The Financial Times, for the ninth time recognized the Cayman Islands as the leader among financial centers.
The top five specialized financial centers, according to the magazine, include:

  1. The Cayman Islands;

  2. Guernsey;

  3. Jersey;

  4. The Bahamas;

  5. Bermuda Islands.

It is noted that the Cayman Islands is not only the leading jurisdiction in the capital market, trusts and banking services, but also provides the best conditions for carrying out the activities of international hedge funds.

In addition, the jurisdiction, known for its long and high-quality relations with international clients, constantly improves the system of interaction with them.

A source: http://www.thebanker.com/Awards/Investment-Banking-Awards/The-Banker-s-Investment-Banking-Awards-2017

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