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Germany allows dual citizenship

						The law on dual German citizenship was voted on in the Bundesrat. This event was another step in the process of facilitating the procedure for obtaining German citizenship for foreigners living and working in the Federal Republic. The innovation will allow those entering German citizenship to have dual citizenship along with their original citizenship. Previously, this was prohibited: all applicants wishing to obtain a German passport had to give up their other passport.

Speaking to the audience, SPD member Daniela Behrens noted that in order to strengthen the economy, we need regulated migration. Behrens added that Germany's decision to allow dual citizenship had been brewing for a long time.

The new law is extremely necessary, with its adoption, migrants in Germany who have given their careers and lives to the country will have the opportunity to properly participate in political life through voting.

The law should come into force in April 2024.

Link to source: https://www.iamexpat.de/expat-info/german-expat-news/german-bundesrat-votes-through-new-dual-citizen...

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