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Become a dollar millionaire

						Credit Suisse and UBS presented the so-called "Global Wealth Report", which reflects the assets of about 5.4 billion people.

In 2022, for the first time since the financial crisis of 2008, there was a decline in the global welfare of the population. The total wealth of households in the world decreased by 2.4% and amounted to 454.4 trillion dollars. The main losses occurred in North America and Europe: the population living there lost a total of $10.9 trillion.

Basically, national currencies became cheaper against the dollar, which led to a decrease in the total world wealth by 5.8%.

In Russia, despite the consequences of sanctions, there was a significant increase in welfare during 2022: 56,000 new dollar millionaires appeared in the country.

This happened mainly due to the growth in the value of the ruble, which strengthened by 5.6% at the end of last year.

According to the bank, the total wealth of Russia today is similar to the level of the United States in 1912.

Link to source: https://www.ubs.com/global/en/family-office-uhnw/reports/global-wealth-report-2023.html#deeperdive

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