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The EU imposes the verification of the owners of the cryptocurrency


The European Parliament approved a package of measures to combat money laundering in the cryptocurrency market.

In order to combat the anonymity associated with cryptocurrencies, crypto-exchanges and crypto-wallet providers (as well as banks) will have to conduct a comprehensive verification of their customers, including their verification. Thus the crypto currency exchange providers cryptocell, as well as areas of exchange and cashing of cryptocurrencies will need to register.

The updated Directive will enter into force three days after its publication in the official journal of the EU, and the member States of the Union will have 18 months for the inclusion of new rules in national legislation.

On materials of the following website: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20180411IPR01527/anti-money-laundering-meps-vote-to-shed-light-on-the-true-owners-of-companies

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