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OECD has created a database on tax revenue


The Organization for economic cooperation and development (OECD) has published opened database, (Global Revenue Statistics Database). The database includes information on tax revenues of 80 countries.

It follows from the data that the level of tax revenue is higher and more evenly distributed across countries than it was in the beginning of 2000. It is also noted that in the countries with the lowest income, the tax rate to GDP increased the most. The very same value of taxes to GDP ranges from 10.8% to 45.9%; in half of the countries it ranges from 18.2% to 33.2%.

Also since 2000, the value of VAT has increased in 75% of the countries from the sample, while the share of taxes on income or taxes on goods and services has fallen.

On materials of the following website: http://www.oecd.org/tax/tax-policy/oecd-launches-largest-source-of-comparable-tax-revenue-data.htm

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