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EU toughens sanctions against Russia


The European Union (EU) has reached an agreement to tighten sanctions against the Russian Federation. Regarding it the announcement by the President of the EU, Mr Van Rompuy, and the President of the European Commission, Mr Barroso, was published.

Decisions will limit the Russian state-owned financial institutions’ access to the capital market of the EU, impose arms embargo, ban the export of dual-use goods, which end-users are military, as well as reduce the Russian access to sensitive technologies, particularly in the oil sector.

The statement also notes that the European Union is ready to cancel these measures and create a new agreement with Russia, as the country begins to actively and undoubtedly be involved in the search for resolution of the Ukrainian crisis.

Source: http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_STATEMENT-14-244_en.htm?locale=en

Expert’s opinion

Anyone who has money abroad, the children studying abroad, houses on the coast, must urgently consider how to bring it out from the impact of sanctions. Rebook on non-Russian nominees or open accounts in banks that agree to work with the Russian beneficiaries. Decompose deposits into different baskets.

As always the fastest and the most prudent - win.

Work schemes are known. Call us, make an appointment. Our experts tell you how to preserve your capital.

Yaroslav Lomakin ( Managing Partner, Honest&Bright)

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