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Personal data of Russians shall be stored only in Russian Federation


 President of Russian Federation signed Federal law from 21.07.2014 №242-FZ “On amendments to the certain legal acts of Russian Federation for the purpose of specifying processing of personal data in in information and telecommunications networks”.

According to this law, personal data of Russian shall be kept by internet companies and other operators only in Russian Federation.

Law covers companies that selling tickets, and other goods and services over the internet.

Also, this law applies to any online companies that collect personal data of citizens of the Russian Federation and store it in a database. Thus, under these parameters foreign social networks could be caught and, so, they will be obliged to open a representative office in the Russian Federation.

The law will come into force on September 1, 2016. All databases with personal data of citizens of the Russian Federation will have to be moved to the territory of the Russian Federation prior to this date.

Source: http://pravo.gov.ru:8080/page.aspx?112453

Expert’s opinion

 I remember that recently, in spring according to the law created by Russian authorities as a response to sanctions from USA, international payment systems were obliged to reserve 25% from its annual income. And even more recently from the 1st of July and than every quarter they shall make security contributions to the special account in the Bank of Russia.

And what do you think? Somehow sanctions and security contributions have gone quiet. And Visa along with MasterCard still are working in Russia.

I remembered and I am not afraid to mention him – Arabic thinker and philosophe, Khoja Nasreddin, who took in 20 years to teach theology to the donkey so that his donkey would know it better than the emir.

Many remember the ending of the story: "After twenty years, - he says - one of the three of us will surely die - Emir, or donkey, or myself. And then go and sort out who knew theology better!"

Let me remind you that in addition to the donkey, Nasreddin (Naṣr ad-Dīn) also picked up a purse of gold.

In the morning of September 1, 2016, the annular solar eclipse is planned to happen. I will say even more precisely, the disk will be closed maximum at 09:08:02 (UTC).

And this is happening, I can be absolutely sure!

But about database relocation... You can be sure of only one thing: a purse of gold will be mastered! And probably not the only one.

Yaroslav Lomakin ( Managing Partner Honest&Bright)

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