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Canada is the most attractive jurisdiction for business


KPMG published results of the study named «Competitive Alternatives». This report is published biannually and consists of information about jurisdictions for doing business among countries of NAFTA, Europe and Asia.

The main attention is given to the costs of doing business in these jurisdictions. The study is made from analysis of 26 different points that have an impact on business costs in 107 cities and 10 countries. The countries studied are Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, United Kingdom and USA.

The report has special addition that focuses on taxation in these countries. For the base rate as 100 was taken USA. Other countries are measured with connection to it. Therefore, the first place took Canada with rate at 53,6. IT means that the costs of doing business in Canada is 46,6% less that in USA. The costs of doing business in UK, Mexico and Holland will be cheaper than in USA too. On the other end of the spectrum is France with the rate of 163,3.

Amongst the cities the three top cities are Canadian Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal.

In comparison with the last report made in 2012, the rating of Canada, which was at the top then too, dropped on 5,5.

Source: http://www.competitivealternatives.com/reports/2014_compalt_report_tax_en.pdf

Expert’s opinion

We could not agree more with the results of KPMG study, all the more so having worked with Canada. Besides the ordinary Canadian companies for doing business this jurisdiction offers surprisingly convenient and simple organizational form – Canadian partnership.

Canadian partnership allows exemption from the taxation in Canada with the right structuring and using of this model.

Taxes shall be paid at the partner’s residence place.

The partnership does not submit financial statements which also increase economic attractiveness of the firm.

Irina Lomakina ( Director of Moscow Office of Honest & Bright)

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