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Switzerland imposes quotes for labor immigrants


Since 1st of May Switzerland prolonged the duration of limitations for issuance of permissions for work for 5-year term for the citizens of 8 states of East Europe and for the first time since 1st of June imposed quotas in respect of representatives of 17 states-members of the EU. Up to June, 2014 it is planned to issue not more than 55 thousands of long-term visas. The government explained its actions by highly raised number of labor immigrants from the EU countries which lost money because of financial crises.

Experts call this step of Switzerland nothing but intentional demonstration of its discontent in connection with the EU’s requirement to cancel bank secrecy. In reality there will be no economical consequences for Switzerland itself from the measures taken, because limitations are imposed for a year only and during that period the situation is not to change radically. But it seems that Bern will not be able to avoid complication in relations with foreign partners.

It must be noted that during last 3 referendums of the questions of labor migration the citizens voted for its essential reduction. In the opinion of Swiss, neighbors from the EU occupy their work places besides that the rate of unemployment is near 3%. Economy of Switzerland works because of external markets. The share of export deliveries of Swiss companies to European markets was 57 % last year.

Based on www.swissinfo.ch

Expert’s opinion

Switzerland is a really rich country. It does not provide any special programs for obtaining residential permission. It doesn’t need this. If you want to have a possibility to live in this country than you are to pay money to the country. A lot of money. Besides it will happen on your own initiative and voluntary.

Although bank secrecy in Switzerland has stopped being such. Does it influence the country’s economy in a whole? As it can be seen, not really. They don’t need fresh labor reserves.

However, besides expensive Switzerland there is a mass of the EU countries ready to offer a number of programs for obtaining a residential permit, possibility of habitation and work in the EU.

Irina Lomakina ( Director of Moscow office of “Honest&Bright” Company)

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