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France takes action on the "Depardieu case"


After a sensational movement of famous actor Gerard Depardieu from expensive France to more favorable Belgium French President Francois Hollande declared his intention to change the tax agreement with Belgium.

President advocates for harmonizing relations with the countries of the EU. In addition the President intends to revise tax treaties with all countries, which, in comparison with France offer more favorable tax regimes.

The same idea was expressed by the President at the last European Council meeting in Brussels. He stressed that the tax harmonization should cover not only the alignment of tax rates, but also to maintain a level of taxation on the citizens of the EU did not seek tax efficiency through specific mechanisms.

Thus, France seeks to take action to stop the flight of the French in a more favorable tax jurisdiction.

On the basis of:


Expert’s opinion

There is an idea that is drummed by every parent into the head of every child: " it is necessary to think about the consequences before you do something!" But such ideas seem strange for socialists. And instead of correcting their own mistakes, the Socialists want to make everyone repeat the same stupidity covering popular slogans which protect poor and needy.

The French Government has taken a stupid, ill-conceived and harmful for the country decision. Only the acceptance of this fact and the removal overtax the rich people, along with the termination of the socialist rhetoric and the transition to capitalist farming will break the deadlock and lead France to prosperity.

All the options related to "peace enforcement" neighbors is just empty and meaningless shaking the air by the taxpayers. "

Yaroslav Lomakin ( Managing partner of “Honest and Bright”)

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