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“Green economy” is the major issue on the Summit Rio + 20

						The Conference focused on two themes: (a) a green economy in the context of sustainable development poverty eradication; and (b) the institutional framework for sustainable development.

The principles of "green economy" based on the adopted in recent years, solutions for improving energy and environmental efficiency of the economy.

Remind that the conference "Rio +20" was held from 20-22 June 2012, twenty years after the Earth Summit, also held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, and 10 years after the World Summit on Sustainable Development Johannesburg in 2002.

The result of the Summit was the Declaration, entitled "The future that we want," which has almost a hundred pages, and includes terms of trade-offs. The EU insisted on the primacy of conservation, and developing countries wanted to secure the obligations of developed nations for financial and technological assistance to their development. There wasn’t a consensus on the "green economy" and how to achieve sustainable development.

The Global Forum has adopted nine new peer review reports and three supplementary reports. This brings to 79 the total number of reports adopted, with a further 27 reviews under way. The focus will now shift to exchange of information in practice with the launch of Phase 2 reviews and steps to improve co-operation amongst Competent Authorities.

The recently adopted peer review reports on Cook Islands, Liberia, Lebanon, Grenada, Montserrat, Saint Lucia, and United Arab Emirates describe each jurisdictions rules for ensuring that information is available to the tax authorities, how such information can be accessed by the authorities and the mechanisms in place to exchange information with foreign tax authorities.
Expert’s opinion

The idealists and socialists come to the throat of the pragmatists and the capitalists.

It has long been known that the earth went into another ice age and the only escape from icing of Europe to the Mediterranean Sea is only the greenhouse effect.

It has already disclosed a worldwide scam with the replacement refrigerant for efficient power-intensive refrigerants. Japan, Tuva and Italy are shaking - in practice the theory is confirmed by MH earth's core, and disproved the old theory of plate tectonics.

And loafers by  public expenses 20 years ago, and 10 years, and last week - meet and kick it about.

The fight against poverty, we have been through on the example of the Soviet Union. In North Korea this struggle is going today.

Success - no, not in sight.

The struggle for the fact that each becomes a rich was in Great Britain and in its most advanced colonies. Rich won!
Compare: where is Korea, and where is the United States.

It remains to wish that the capitalists and the pragmatists still have found the remains of prudence, and discontinued to grow loafers, who are not produce, but only consume, consume, consume...

On the basis: http://www.uncsd2012.org/index.html

Lomakin Yaroslav ( Managing Partner of Honest & Bright Company Ltd .)

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