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Lisbon – the innovative capital of Europe

						The European Commission has announced the winners of the European Capital of Innovation Awards. The award is presented to cities that bring together citizens of academia, business and public sector employees to successfully translate the results into improving the well-being of society and at the same time stimulate revolutionary innovations. 

Lisbon is recognized as the European Capital of Innovation, according to the website of the European Innovation Council.   The capital of Portugal took 1st place and will receive 1 million euros for this. Warsaw and Lviv became the nominees of the competition, they will be paid 100 thousand euros each for further infrastructure development.

Lisbon has been particularly noted for the growth of the technology sector, supported by initiatives such as Unicorn Factory, a platform for developing startups and attracting foreign companies to the Portuguese capital.

The award was first presented in 2014. In the past, the award winners have been Barcelona (2014), Amsterdam (2016), Paris (2017), Athens (2018), Nantes (2019), Leuven (2020), Dortmund (2021) and Aix-Marseille Provence Metropole (2022) as European capitals of innovation. The winners in the category of "Rising Innovative City" in the past were Vantaa (2021) and Haarlem (2022).

Link to source: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_23_6016

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