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Jurisdictions news

05.03.2018 In the UK the purchase of real estate must be proved

The new procedure of checking the sources of financing for the purchase of real estate “Unexplained Wealth Order” (UWO) entered into force in the UK on January 31st, 2018.

15.02.2018 Tax Free system is introducing in Russia

The government has started the gradual introduction of the tax free system in Russia — on February 12th, Dmitry Medvedev announced the signing of resolutions on the start of the pilot project.

13.02.2018 ABLV Bank denied FinCEN's money laundering charges

On February 13th, 2018, the financial crimes enforcement Agency of the United States Department of the Treasury (FinCEN) published a conclusion and report proposing to ban the opening or maintenance of correspondent accounts in the United States for ABLV Bank.

12.02.2018 Hong Kong implements OECD agreements in its legislation

On February 02nd, 2018, the Hong Kong Tax authority published a Decree, according to which amendments to the automatic exchange of information on financial accounts for tax purposes will come into force on January 01st, 2019.

09.02.2018 EU signed an Agreement concerning VAT cooperation with Norway

On February 06th, 2018, in Sofia an Agreement was concluded between the European Union and Norway to expand cooperation to ensure the proper calculation of value added tax.

05.02.2018 On January 23rd, 2018, the OECD announced the start of a preliminary International Compliance Assure Programme.

On January 23rd, 2018, the OECD announced the start of a preliminary International Compliance Assure Programme.

30.01.2018 Six States Signed The BEPS Multilateral Instrument

On 24 January 2018 Barbados, Cote d'Ivoire, Jamaica, Malaysia, Panama, and Tunisia signed the Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting.

25.01.2018 The draft of Federal Law “About digital financial assets”

On January 25th, 2018, the Ministry of Finance published a draft federal law “About digital financial assets”.

22.01.2018 In the electronic service it is possible to confirm the status of a Russian tax residence

Since January 16th, 2018, the electronic service of the Federal Tax Service of Russia “ To confirm the status of a tax resident of the Russian Federation” was launched.

12.01.2018 Gibraltar has introduced licensing of activities using blockchain technology

Starting since 01 January 2018 all firms conducting business activities in Gibraltar, with the use of blockchain technology for the storage or transmission of values to others must obtain the permission from the Commission of Gibraltar for regulation of financial services market.

11.01.2018 New Regulation on the activities of tax agents in the UK

The UK tax and customs administration has updated the Regulation on the activities of tax agents, which sets minimal standards for tax agents and advisers in the provision of services to British taxpayers.

10.01.2018 Changes in the Laws on transfer pricing of Hong Kong

On January 10th, 2018, amendments to Hong Kong's legislation aimed at consolidating the principles of transfer pricing in the Law on internal taxation of Hong Kong and the minimum standards of the BEPS plan came into force.

09.01.2018 Control over transfer pricing in Ukraine

On 03rd of January 2018, the Government of Ukraine included Singapore, Mauritius and also 17 other countries in the list of jurisdictions under which control of transfer pricing purposes is realized.

06.12.2017 EU put 17 countries in its tax heaven blacklist

The European Union made the first blacklist of tax heavens and put 17 countries in it.

02.11.2017 Malta will establish a beneficial ownership register

Malta's Ministry for Finance will publish legislation regulating the managing of beneficial ownership register.

03.10.2017 Black lists of clients of Russian banks

Rosfinmonitoring, the Central Bank and banks since October 2, 2017 began to exchange information about dubious customers, which financial organizations refused to serve under the "anti-laundering" legislation.

22.09.2017 Austria introduces the Register of Beneficiaries

The Austrian Parliament passed a law providing for the introduction of the Beneficial Ownership Register.

15.09.2017 Caymans - the best in the ranking of The Banker

The English monthly magazine The Banker, dedicated to international finance, which is owned by The Financial Times, for the ninth time recognized the Cayman Islands as the leader among financial centers.

11.09.2017 Russia and Japan signed the Convention on the Avoidance of Double Taxation

In Vladivostok, representatives of both countries signed the Convention on the Elimination of Double Taxation on Income and on the Prevention of Evasion of Taxes.

06.09.2017 According to the FATF, Russia has achieved success
The FATF, the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF), is an intergovernmental organization that deals with the development of world standards in the field of combating money laundering and the financing of terrorism, and also assesses the conformity of national systems of states to these standards.

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