The government stated that after application is submitted the process of citizenship obtaining will take maximum 3 (Three) months. However in most cases the process of citizenship obtaining is held in shorter terms. The term of application for citizenship obtaining consideration depends on the time that is necessary for the State bodies to hold legal audit of the Applicant.
The program “Saint Kitts and Nevis Citizenship” was created in 1984 and gives the following advantages:
- citizenship and the right of living in the territory of the country for the Applicant and his all close family members;
- double citizenship is permitted, in this case the Applicant is not obliged to live in the territory of Saint Kitts and Nevis;
- the passport will be issued to the applicant and to all close family members;
- it gives the status of resident and work permit in Saint Kitts and Nevis;
- absence of corporate tax, income tax, donation tax, tax on health and inheritance got abroad;
- visa-free trips to more than 80 countries.
Applicant must held legal audit that is a part of the standard procedure. At the same time applicant is not obliged to present personally in all the interviews in Saint Kitts and Nevis.
At the stage of documents preparation a thorough check is made to minimize the risk of refusal. The procedure of consideration usually takes from 6 to 12 weeks and in case of positive reply the documents and passports are issued.
Requirements and costs.
Minimum price of property that will let a person to make application for citizenship obtaining is 350 000 USD. Thus, you need to buy property on the island at the sum not less than 350 000 USD.
10 000 USD are government fee for submission and consideration of application for citizenship obtaining, and also it will be necessary to pay the fees for property buying.
The payment of 3 750 USD is not refundable, it is paid for application submission for each person over 16 years old.
Exactly after positive decision registration fee 35 000 USD is imposed from applicant and 15 000 USD from each of additionally applied person. Applications for close family members that are included in one investment project must be submitted at the same time. All the applications for other family members submitted after citizenship obtaining require to buy new other property.
Additionally the cost from 50 000 USD to 70 000 USD is taken for coordination and preparation of documents, 25 000 USD of which are paid at the time of application submission. This is approximate costs, the final cost will depend on the number of family members, that will be included in the application for citizenship obtaining.
Expenses for property reregistration are paid separately. This cost includes the following:
- 1,5% from the property price for reregistration;
- Government fee at 12% from the property price;
- 5% for condominium.
In the case of mutual agreement of the seller and buyer this cost can be divided between them.
To application the following types of documents are added:
1. The Certificate of birth of each of applied persons;
2. True copies of passport of each of applied persons, including pages with photo, signature, passport number, date of issue (desirably color copies);
3. The reference from police that approves that applicant was not involved in criminal cases;
4. The marriage Certificate (required in the case of spouse application for citizenship obtaining);
5. The divorce Certificate (required in the case of new spouse also submits application for citizenship obtaining);
6. The reference of health state. Such reference is to be submitted for all the persons stated in the application both for adults and children.
7. The approval of financial support. Such a document is necessary in the case if applicant’s spouse or children are stated in the application. The approval is necessary for the state as the guarantee from applicant to provide his spouse and children with funds. If a spouse has his own contribution approved with the letter from the Bank, the approval will be necessary only concerning children.
8. Bank reference. Reference from the bank is required for all the adults of applicant including spouse and all the children over 18 years old. Reference from the bank must contain the information about the terms of account owning, the type of account and about the fact that all the relations on account holding were positive. Separate letter can also be submitted by accountant or stock broker, in the case if applicant has commercial or investment funds.
9. Characteristics. It’s necessary to submit two copies of characteristics for applicant and each of the family members over 18 years old. Characteristics should be given by a doctor, or a lawyer, or an accountant, or bank manager. Also it’s necessary to state name, address and the telephone of a person submitted characteristics.
10. Professional experience. In the resume information about education and work experience must be stated. If children at the age of 18-25 are stated in application the diploma or other document that approves education of such persons should be submitted.
11. Photos. It’s necessary to submit eight photos (of the size needed for passport) for each person stated in application.
12. For children from former marriages it’s necessary to submit consent at the Form C1 of the children father on his citizenship obtaining, however it has to be signed by both biologic parents.