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Subscription legal services for businesses

							Our company offers subscription legal services to companies of various business orientations. These services provide a full range of legal support for your business in the following areas for a fixed monthly subscription fee, calculated depending on the service tariff chosen by the Client.

By resorting to the services of subscription legal services, the Client receives the following advantages:

• Saving on the maintenance of a staff of lawyers within the company, training and advanced training of internal specialists;
• Qualifications and experience of specialists practicing in various fields of law, the experience of an entire team instead of one, even a highly qualified specialist;
• Deadlines and speed of task completion. Subscription service: unlike full-time employees, there are no sick days, vacations and other breaks in working on the project. The deadlines for the implementation of the project are clearly outlined and fixed in the contract.

The volume of subscriber legal services is determined by the amount of hours spent by a lawyer on solving legal issues in accordance with the tariff schedule of services. Payment is made on a monthly basis in the form of an advance payment for the following month of service.

The following types of services are provided as part of the subscription service: written and oral advice on tax, labor, civil law, work with any types of contracts, including bilingual, official correspondence, claim work, personnel records management.

For more information, please contact our specialists –

We will be glad to help you!
Your Honest&Bright

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