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Jurisdictions news

10.02.2012 The USA “extends its expansion” to the east
Recently the USA government has decided to draft a new agreement on information exchange with several European states.

09.02.2012 The UK has reached a new agreement in the tax sphere with the Principality of Liechtenstein
This week Liechtenstein and the UK reached the agreement on several issues in the tax sphere.

08.02.2012 The Supreme Arbitration Court can change the court practice in the sphere of VAT payments
Until the recent times the Russian legal entities that paid income to foreign counterparts based on transactions refused to calculate and pay VAT to the state budget in spite of the fact that the Russian organizations in this case are the tax agents.

07.02.2012 Russia is looking for sources of the state budget replenishment
Yesterday at the tax conference that took place in Russia the Deputy of the Minister of Finance Sergey Shatalov named several important issues on taxation of the country.

06.02.2012 Switzerland has disclosed confidential information to the United States
Recently the Government of Switzerland has made an official statement that banks of the state are ready to cooperate with tax authorities of the United States of America.

03.02.2012 The Principality of Liechtenstein and Hong Kong strengthen economic ties
The officials of the state of Liechtenstein and the Hong Kong special administrative region have recently discussed the future of fruitful economic cooperation between the jurisdictions. The meeting of representatives held in the capital of the principality - the city of Vaduz.

02.02.2012 France increases tax rates
29 January 2012 in the framework of another television interview the French President Nicolas Sarkozy spoke about the coming state taxation changes.

01.02.2012 Facebook goes for IPO
Today, 1 February 2012 Facebook documents submission for IPO is scheduled. However, according to experts’ opinion, it may be postponed until the middle of the current month.

31.01.2012 The EU adopted a new fiscal pact
On Monday 30 January 2012 within the framework of the latest emergency summit in Brussels the European Union member states signed a new fiscal pact.

30.01.2012 BVI offers a new project concerning trademarks
23 January 2012 the BVI Government provided the state Parliament with a draft of new legislative act of intellectual property for its consideration. It is planned that a new Trademarks Bill 2012 should replace the current Trade Marks Act (Cap. 158).

27.01.2012 Germany may revive the state fund to assist banks
Recently the lower house of German parliament has approved the legislative project to revive the fund SoFFin for the "safety” of banks of the state from losses on sovereign European bonds.

26.01.2012 The effect of wealth tax in France has exceeded all the expectations
According to recent reports of French specialists the effect of introduced in summer 2011 on the state territory wealth tax - l'impôt de solidarité sur la fortune - has brought unexpected result.

25.01.2012 Tax Policy of the Russian Federation is expected to be predictable
Recently the Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in the speech at the commission on modernization outlined the important question of predictability of the tax system in Russia.

24.01.2012 Will offshores disclose their beneficiaries?
24 January 2012 the final meeting of the working group chaired by the Russian Federation Minister of Justice Alexander Konovalov on the Russian Federation Civil Code reform was passed.

23.01.2012 The European Commission is preparing a draft of the directive on intellectual property
At the moment the European Commission is developing a new draft of the directive on intellectual property.

20.01.2012 Greece must achieve interest rate reduction on government bonds
Recently the finance ministers of the eurozone at the official meeting in Brussels during the discussion of the economic situation in Greece have rejected the agreement reached between Greece and representatives of banks and private equity funds with respect to the purchase of government bonds.

19.01.2012 Malta continues to be an attractive financial center
Only 15 years ago Malta in principle could not be named a major financial center since the economics was in its infancy.

18.01.2012 Switzerland has to disclose bank information
Recently the Government of Switzerland has prepared a bill under which the state undertakes to provide foreign intelligence services with financial information about the details of bank accounts, account activity and balances on them.

17.01.2012 The Republic of Seychelles changed its legislation
At the end of 2011 the Government of the Republic of Seychelles adopted several amendments to the corporate law of non-resident entities (companies, trusts, foundations and partnerships).

16.01.2012 The new agreement of double taxation avoidance between Russia and the United Arab Emirates
In the end of last year between Russia and the United Arab Emirates the new agreement of double taxation avoidance has been signed.

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