The list of the countries > The Russian Federation

The Russian Federation

The Russian Federation or Russia is the country which is situated in the Eastern Europe and Northern Asia. It is one of the Post-Soviet countries. It is the greatest state in the world (17 075 400 km ² or 11,46 % of the area of all the land of the Earth, or 12,65 % of the land occupied by the man that is almost twice more than Canada which is the 2nd greatest country in the world). The population for 2011 is 142 914 136 men, now the country takes the ninth place in the world for this factor. The official language in all the territory of the country is Russian.

At the present time the most widespread form of commercial activity operating in territory of the Russian Federation is the limited liability company .

The limited liability company (LLC) is a company which authorized capital divided into parts; moreover the participants of limited liability company are not liable for obligations of the company and bear risk of the losses connected with the activity of the company within the cost of parts belonging to them. The limited liability company can be formed by both only individuals and legal bodies or individuals and legal bodies together.

Such organization form as Joint-stock company is usually interesting to owners of large business and also for the businessmen which business actively develops.

The joint-stock company (JSC) is a company authorized capital of which is divided into a certain number of shares; participants of joint-stock company (shareholders) are not liable for its obligations and bear risk of the losses connected with activity of the company  within the cost of shares belonging to them.

The accreditation of Representations and Branches of the foreign organizations in territory of the Russian Federation gives the opportunity to receive the official status for the organization and for its employees, passport and visa support (various kinds of visas for employees of Representation and members of their families, the invitation for foreign citizens).

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