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Elite visa of Thailand

							We offer you to take advantage of a unique offer for obtaining an Elite visa in Thailand.

Thailand Elite is a visa program operated by Thailand Privilege Card Company Limited, an organization supported by the Government of Thailand, and wholly owned by the Tourism Authority of Thailand (Tourism Authority of Thailand, TAT). Thailand Elite is a unique and the only visa program in the world that provides a long–term tourist visa and exclusive privileges.

The Thailand Elite visa program provides an opportunity to obtain a resident visa for 5, 10 or 20 years and receive exclusive privileges and additional free services and benefits. We offer seven categories of Thailand Elite visas, which include basic privileges such as airport service (VIP meeting and escorting by a personal assistant of Thailand Elite upon arrival and departure, VIP corridor during immigration control, access to executive waiting rooms), access to government services and simplification of formalities, as well as additional privileges and free benefits that depend on the visa category.

Thailand Elite is a multiple-entry visa with the possibility of extending the stay for one year. All visa holders have the right to stay in the country, leave and return to the country during the entire validity period of the visa. The number of entrances and exits is not limited.

For detailed information, please contact the specialists of Honest& Bright.

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