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The 10 happiest and most unhappy countries in the world

						The Sapien Labs research group has published an annual report on the mental State of the World.

Sapien Labs is conducting a study that contains trends and information about the mental well-being of the population in order to determine the coefficient of human mental health and the changes that occur with it from year to year.

Sapien Labs collected data from more than half a million respondents from 71 countries around the world.
The overall indicator of mental well-being (MHQ score) took into account the mood in society, worldview, social self-esteem, aspiration, motivation of each person and the change in these parameters over time.

The Dominican Republic turned out to be the happiest country, and Uzbekistan was the most unhappy.

Below is a list of the happiest countries in the world:
1. The Dominican Republic
2. Sri Lanka
3. Tanzania
4. Panama
5. Malaysia
6. Nigeria
7. Venezuela
8. El Salvador
9. Costa Rica
10. Uruguay

And this is what the Top 10 most unhappy countries in the world look like:
1. Uzbekistan
2. Great Britain
4. Brazil
5. Tajikistan
6. Australia
7. Egypt
8. Ireland
9. Iraq
10. Yemen

Link to the source: https://sapienlabs.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/4th-Annual-Mental-State-of-the-World-Report.pdf

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