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South Africa plans to introduce a visa for "digital nomads"

						The South African government has announced changes to its visa policy. It is planned to introduce special visas for foreign remote employees and freelancers working for foreign companies. Officials hope to attract such “digital nomads” with an affordable cost of living compared to some Western European countries. The purpose of the changes is not only to attract long-term residents who are ready to buy local goods, pay taxes and use services, but also to create conditions for a long-term influx of “human capital".

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has begun developing a visa program for “digital nomads” aimed at highly qualified technical specialists. If all goes well, South Africa will become the fifth country in Africa to offer a similar scheme to “digital nomads”, after Namibia, Cape Verde, Mauritius and Seychelles. The new visa program will involve evaluating candidates using a point system similar to the schemes for evaluating visa applications in other countries.

Link to the source: https://www.thepresidency.gov.za/node/7868

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