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Greek golden visa at the old price

						Greece has extended the validity of the Immigration Code until March 31, 2024. 

This means that the period during which applicants for a golden visa can use the old selection criteria, which is more lenient than the new rules, has also been extended.

Law 5079/2023, published in the Government Gazette of December 22, 2023, introduces the following changes to immigration rules in Greece:
(i) the current Immigration Code will be in force until March 30, 2024, and the new Code, which was originally supposed to enter into force on January 1, 2024, will now enter into force on March 31, 2024;
(ii) persons who applied for a golden visa based on the purchase of a property worth 250,000 euros or more and paid at least 10% of the purchase price to the current owner before July 31, 2023, can now complete the remainder of the payment by April 30, 2024 (instead of December 31, 2023, as previously).

Link to source: https://www.et.gr/api/DownloadFeksApi/?fek_pdf=20230100215

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