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						The EU member states and the European Parliament have reached an agreement on a law that regulates the use of artificial intelligence (AI). This was reported by the Spanish representation in the Council of the EU.

According to the European Commissioner for Internal Market Affairs, Europe "is becoming the very first continent to establish clear rules for the use of AI."
The project developers claim that they have managed to achieve the right balance "between protection and innovation." Critics of the very idea of AI regulation insist that such a balance is impossible.

The drafters of the bill claim: "We had one goal: to develop a law that will ensure the development of the AI ecosystem in Europe, taking into account the human factor, respecting fundamental rights and European values, strengthening trust and awareness of how we can maximize the benefits of this AI revolution that is happening before our eyes."
The project, which has yet to be officially approved by the European Parliament, in particular, allows the use of facial recognition in public places, but only for the search for criminals and the prevention of terrorist attacks.

Link to source: https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2023/12/09/artificial-intelligence-act-counc...

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