The Central Bank is saving the Russian sub-company of Ukrainian “Privatbank”
At the 6 of March The Central Bank made the decision on implementation of measures for the prevention of bankruptcy of “Moskomprivatbank” — Moscow sub-company of the largest Ukrainian “Privatbank” bank. Moskomprivatbank is included in TOP 100 of banks of the Russian Federation. Functions of temporary administration in bank are transferred to agency on insurance of deposits.
Privatization in Cyprus
Russian mass media reported that Cyprus is about to start a new wave of privatization. For example, news portal “Vesti Economika” informs that Cyprus lawmakers voted for privatization. Intention to determine the next stage of privatization before March 5 is tied with commitments to international joint creditors who insist on assets’ sale.
Cyprus and VAT
While government of some countries has a possibility to reduce tax burden for taxpayers, the last spring in Cyprus made some adjustments.
Renminbi conquers Europe
The first European conference on renminbi has been hosted in Luxembourg. During the conference participants from China, Hong Kong, London, Paris, Frankfurt and Luxembourg came to the conclusion that value of renminbi as the international currency grows.
New Companies Ordinance commenced operation in Hong Kong
On March 3, 2013 New Companies Ordinance commenced operation in Hong Kong aimed to enhance corporate governance, facilitate business, ensure better regulation and modernize the law.
In New Zealand a multilateral convention comes into force
On March 1, 2014 a multilateral convention on mutual administrative assistance in tax matters will come into force. The Convention, which was ratified in New Zealand in November, allows fighting against tax evasion.
Bitcoins are outlawed in Russia
On the 6th of February, 2014 a report on the results of meeting on the legitimacy of the use of anonymous payment systems and cryptocurrency was published on the website of the General Prosecutor’s Office.
Double agreements between Singapore, Austria and Poland come into force
Revised version of a double taxation agreement between Poland and Singapore came into force on the 6th of February, 2014. The agreement will allow countries to exercise tax information exchange. The above-mentioned act applies to the following taxes: income tax, corporate profit tax (residents of Poland) and income tax (residents of Singapore).
National Bank of Ukraine imposes restrictions on foreign exchange transactions
On the 6th of February, 2014 information according to which the Management Board of the Bank of Ukraine passed the Resolution №49 "On measures for banks and currency transactions" appeared on the official website. As the press service of the NBU states, this ruling is temporary and only proactive.
The scope of the FATCA has expanded to Canada and Hungary
On the 5th of February, 2014 the U.S. Treasury Department stated that the United States signed an intergovernmental agreement (IGAS) with Canada and Hungary to implement provisions of Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA). In the middle of December 2013 the U.S. Treasury Department signed several agreements, including treaties with Italy and Mauritius
Hungary and Jersey entered into a tax treaty
On the 3th of February, 2014 MFA State Secretary of Hungary Zsolt Nemeth made a statement that Hungary has an aim to build economic and trade relationships with countries of North America. One of the tools that allow building confidence with future partners is a growing number of tax treaties.
China and Liechtenstein signed a tax treaty
January 27, 2014, Martin Frick, the head of the Department of Foreign Affairs of Liechtenstein, and Liang Tsianhan, the General Consul of China in Zurich, signed a double agreement on the exchange of tax information. As Martin Frick stated, provisions of the treaty meet completely the OECD standards. The treaty provides an exchange of tax information upon request of a Contracting State.
Bank of Cyprus unfreezes a part of the deposits
On 30 of January, 2014 the Board of Directors of Bank of Cyprus was held. On this meeting a decision to unfreeze accounts that had been frozen in July 2013 was made. Soon these deposits will be available for depositors.
The bill “National company” for LLC, ALC, Joint-stock companies is considered in Duma
Russian State Duma reviews a bill related to obtaining legal status of national company by the following businesses: limited liability companies, additional liability company, and joint - stock company.
The Central Bank of Russia: no one will block banking cards
The Central Bank of Russia published information “Requirements of article 9 of the federal law “The national cash register system” with reference to the publications by mass media that there is a possibility banking cards will be blocked by banks starting from January 1st, 2014. The Bank of Russia stated that all banking institutions have a required level of information of their clients.
The International Monetary Fund has conducted the review of Switzerland’s financial policies
From December, 4 till December, 17 of 2013 the delegation of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) headed by Charles Enoch, Deputy Director of the Monetary and Capital Markets department, spoke with representatives of the Swiss Bank, the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA, the Federal Department of Finance and the private sector.
Russian minister of finance talks about deoffshorization and Cyprus
Minister of finance of Russia stated that according to passing a raft of legislation related to Russian business deoffshorization, proposed by Vladimir Putin the budget revenue will increase by dozens of billion rubles.
An interview of the European central bank president Mario Draghi with Le Journal du Dimanche
This Sunday Mario Draghi, the president of the European central bank, gave an interview to the French newspaper Le Journal du Dimanche. Mario Draghi remarked that monetary policy which is held since 2011 is still bearing fruit: the refinancing rate was reduced to 0,25% and thus stimulates banks to loan.
Switzerland prepares for automatic exchange of tax information with the EU
The Swiss Minister of Finance Eveline Widmer - Shlampf announces that the Confederation negotiates actively with the EU about signing a framework agreement on the automatic exchange of tax information. In her speech at the conference, organized by the Financial Academy, Widmer- Shlampf laid out that Switzerland intended to move towards disclosure of tax information to the authorities of the EU countries to strengthen its credibility as a financial center.
Double taxation agreement between Hong Kong and Canada
The agreement on the avoidance of double taxation and prevention of fiscal evasion in respect to taxes on income between the Government of Hong Kong and the Government of Canada finally came into force. The agreement was signed on 11 November 2012 and now it was ratified.
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