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Jurisdictions news

05.08.2014 Opposition asks for the decrease of corporate tax in New Zealand

 New Zealand’s main opposition party, “ACT Party”, introduced its plan on improvement of country’s economy. The main goal is to increase country’s GDP on one third.

04.08.2014 Ireland affirms its corporate tax at the same low level

 Irish Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation published policy statement on Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) in Ireland. Head of the Department, Richard Bruton, stated that Ireland shall improve regulation of FDI for international corporations.  

01.08.2014 New sanctions against Russian Federation

In response to the annexation of Crimea Europe imposed new sanctions, which come into force on August 1, 2014 (Council Regulation of 31 July 2014 No. 833/2014). 

31.07.2014 FTA Agreement comes into force between EFTA, Costa Rica and Panama

 Free Trade Area (FTA) Agreement has been already signed between EFTA countries, Costa Rica and Panama in June, 2013.

30.07.2014 IMF proposes to reform the taxation of UK

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has recommended a series of tax reforms in the UK, including a complete overhaul of the system of property taxation.

29.07.2014 EU toughens sanctions against Russia

The European Union (EU) has reached an agreement to tighten sanctions against the Russian Federation.

25.07.2014 CBR raises key rate

On the 25th of July the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Russia (CBR) has decided to increase the key rate to 8.00% per annum.

24.07.2014 ECB contacts information is stolen

 European Central Bank (ECB) announced that from its web site information containing e-mails and other contact information of the bank contacts was stolen.  

23.07.2014 The activity of Cypriot branch of FBME Bank Ltd is suspended

 A short announcement published on the web-site of the Central Bank of the Republic of Cyprus said that the ability of the Cypriot branch of FBME Bank Ltd to follow its obligations is suspended for 2 days starting with afternoon of 23rd of July, 2014.

22.07.2014 Personal data of Russians shall be stored only in Russian Federation

 President of Russian Federation signed Federal law from 21.07.2014 №242-FZ “On amendments to the certain legal acts of Russian Federation for the purpose of specifying processing of personal data in in information and telecommunications networks”.

21.07.2014 OECD creates global standard for tax information exchange

 New standard for exchange of tax information was published on the OECD web-site on the 21st of July, 2014.

17.07.2014 UK Revenue Service publishes the list of tax evasion schemes

Her Majesty Revenue Service (HMRS) published the list of schemes which are used by taxpayers in order not to pay taxes. The list consists of three pages with different numbers, each of which is attributed to the one scheme.

16.07.2014 Transatlantic Trade and Invest Partnership between USA and EU

The sixth round of negotiations on the Transatlantic Trade and Invest Partnership (TTIP) between USA and EU started this week.

14.07.2014 Citigroup fulfills USA treasury

The Attorney General of USA talked about the biggest fraud unveiled lately at the press conference in Washington.

11.07.2014 ECB: the implementation of Single Supervisory Mechanism is going according to the plan.

Press service of European Central Bank (ECB) interviewed Daniele Nouy, the Chairman of supervisory board of Single Supervisory Mechanism, which should start its work this autumn.

10.07.2014 BRICS to create its mini-IMF and its own bank

Prior to the VI summit of BRICS at the presidential level, which will be held on the 15-1-6 of July in the Brazilian resort city Fortalez, Anton Siluanov, Russian Minister of Finance, spoke about expectations from the meeting.

09.07.2014 Italian Presidency of Council of Ministers: A new brush sweeps clean?

Today took place the first meeting of the Council of Ministers in the ECOFIN formation under the Presidency of Italy.

07.07.2014 Bank of Cyprus ends rumors on insight conflict

Bank of Cyprus announced that the Board of Directors decided to consider the possible investors for the increase of capital. Therefore, the rumors about internal conflict between the Board of Directors and management with regards to the restructuring and recapitalization strategy of the Bank of Cyprus ended up.

04.07.2014 FTA Agreement between China and Switzerland.

Free Trade Area (FTA) Agreement between Switzerland and China is entering into force since the 1st of July, 2014. This agreement is considered as the most important FTA agreement in Swiss international economic policy since the same agreement with European Union in 1972.

03.07.2014 BNP Paribas will pay 9 billion dollars to USA

Management of the French bank BNP Paribas announced about the agreement reached with US Department of Justice and Office of the Attorney for the South District of New York as to the charges arising from the opened investigation against the bank.

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