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Jurisdictions news

25.03.2024 Does the EU stop visa-free travel?

The European Union plans to update the mechanism that allows suspending the visa-free regime for third countries whose citizens are exempt from visa obligations when traveling to the Schengen area.

20.03.2024 The 10 happiest and most unhappy countries in the world

The Sapien Labs research group has published an annual report on the mental State of the World.

19.03.2024 Romania: new conditions for EU blue cards

On March 8, 2024, new rules governing the use of EU Blue Cards and other work permits came into force in Romania.

12.03.2024 Croatia launches an innovative program

On March 6, 2024, Croatia launches the country's first foreign worker integration program.

04.03.2024 Almost 1 million people have become EU citizens

Eurostat conducted an analysis and made conclusions about obtaining EU citizenship in 2022.

01.03.2024 Hong Kong budget and key changes

Hong Kong's finance minister has unveiled the budget for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.

28.02.2024 UAE announced fines

The Ministry of Finance of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) announced the imposition of fines for late payment of corporate tax, as well as for late submission of an application for registration for tax payment.

27.02.2024 Bulgaria tightens citizenship criteria

The Bulgarian Parliament has voted to amend the Law on Citizenship, making knowledge of the Bulgarian language mandatory.

26.02.2024 Will Kazakhstan move on?

Since 2024, new rules for foreigners to obtain IIN and a number of other important documents, such as a residence permit, will begin to apply in Kazakhstan.

22.02.2024 Bermuda: Updated Tax Guide

Bermuda is updating its Corporate Tax Guide, including new questions most frequently asked by taxpayers.

21.02.2024 New changes to the UK Companies Act

The first package of amendments to the Companies Act will come into force in the UK on March 2024.

10.01.2024 Is Saudi Arabia getting off the "oil needle"?

Saudi Arabia has placed $12 billion in dollar bonds. It was the kingdom's biggest release since 2017.

27.11.2023 Luxembourg has declared the wealth tax unconstitutional

The Constitutional Court of Luxembourg, in its decision of November 10, 2023, ruled that the wealth tax regime applied to enterprises contradicts the constitutional principle of equality before the law.

23.11.2023 The USA and Switzerland are moving to mutual automatic exchange

Switzerland and the United States have revised their agreement on the implementation of the American Foreign Account Taxation Act (FATCA).

18.05.2023 The Brazilian Tax Service pays attention to trusts

The Brazilian Government has published Interim Measure No. 1171/23 on the distribution of foreign trust assets. In fact, this measure changes the rules for taxation of income from foreign sources received by Brazilian residents from financial investments and controlled organizations.

13.04.2023 UAE - Corporate tax exemption rules

The UAE Ministry of Finance has adopted Decision No. 43 on exemption from tax registration for the purposes of the Corporate Tax Law.

10.08.2022 Central Bank of Cyprus` warning
The Central Bank of Cyprus (hereinafter referred to as the "CBC") has warned that the Limassol–based Sabax Bank has absolutely no license to operate issued by the supervisory authority.

28.10.2021 New FATF "grey List"
The Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF) has announced that it is removing Mauritius and Botswana from its "grey list".

26.03.2021 Keeping Track of Your Sales Online

The European Parliament has decided to amend Directive 2011/16/EU on administrative cooperation in the field of taxation (DAC7).

23.03.2021 Synthesized Tax Convention with Great Britain Has Been Published

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation has published a synthesized version of the double taxation convention with the United Kingdom on its website.

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