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Jurisdictions news

13.11.2023 Cyprus cancels "golden visas"?

The Audit Service of the Republic of Cyprus has published a report on the results of the audit of the investment program for foreigners who bought real estate or shares of Cypriot companies in the amount of at least 300,000 euros

09.11.2023 Will Cyprus return the funds to the Russian depositor?

The decision of the Limassol District Court concerning the former depositor of Laiki Bank can be described as historic.

07.11.2023 Italy changes tax residency rules

The Council of Ministers of Italy has given preliminary consent to make significant changes to the definition of "tax residence" for both individuals and legal entities.

03.11.2023 EU countries against the Shell Companies Directive?

The directive proposed by the European Union (EU), directed against shell companies, formally being the third revision of the EU Directive 2016/1164 (Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive, ATAD), is becoming less likely to be adopted in in the planned form in the face of opposition from some participating countries.

30.10.2023 Kazakh banks will not issue cards to foreigners

The National Bank of Kazakhstan has developed a draft resolution in which it proposed to prohibit the issuance of bank cards to foreigners without a temporary residence permit or a residence permit

27.10.2023 The UAE is leaving the "gray" zone

The UAE has stepped up attempts to get out of the gray list of the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF), where the country was included in 2022.

26.10.2023 Germany allows dual citizenship

The law on dual German citizenship was voted on in the Bundesrat.

24.10.2023 Do you have a cryptocurrency?

The analytical resource World of Statistics published in its profile on the social network X (Twitter) statistics on the use of cryptocurrencies by the population of different countries.

23.10.2023 Will the United States declare crypto exchanges as money laundering centers?

FinCEN (The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network of the US Treasury Department – Approx.) plans to declare cryptocurrency mixers as "money laundering centers" that threaten national security.

19.10.2023 Real estate in the world is getting cheaper

High inflation creates the feeling that real estate is getting more expensive in many countries, but in fact this is not the case. The Global Property Guide portal published a rating of changes in housing prices in 62 countries around the world

17.10.2023 Finland complicates the procedure for obtaining citizenship

The Finnish Government intends to complicate the procedure for obtaining citizenship.

16.10.2023 British banks and sanctions

The Office for the Implementation of Financial Sanctions of the United Kingdom (hereinafter referred to as "OFSI", the "Office") has published updated guidance on sanctions against Russia, including answers to frequently asked questions regarding the circumstances when a UK financial institution receives funds indirectly from or through sub-sanctioned persons.

13.10.2023 The UAE clarifies the provisions of the tax reform

The UAE Federal Tax Administration has published a Guide on Corporate Taxation for Non-residents.

12.10.2023 The Italian tax on excess profits of banks is finally approved

The Italian Parliament has finally approved the Italian excess profit tax for banks, affecting Italian banks and Italian branches of foreign banks.

10.10.2023 Foreign online service providers cannot get away from VAT

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan has proposed new rules on the collection of value added tax for online platforms in order to equalize the rights of domestic and foreign online service providers.

06.10.2023 Netherlands cancels golden visas

The Netherlands has joined a number of EU countries that are closing the Golden Visa investment program.

05.10.2023 Top 10 richest countries in the world

The German international financial company Alliaz has been released a fresh report Global Wealth Report 2023, analyzing the family budgets of the population of 57 countries around the world.

04.10.2023 EU against economic coercion

The EU has approved a bill aimed at countering economic blackmail.

03.10.2023 Australia struggles with tax schemes

The Australian Government is consulting on a bill providing for the expansion of penalties against promoters (here - persons who attract customers through proposals related to the use of gaps in tax legislation – Approx.) and increasing the powers of the Australian Taxation Office.

21.09.2023 Vanuatu citizenship is more accessible than ever

The most budgetary and young investment citizenship program in Vanuatu does not stop accepting applications from Russian citizens to participate in the citizenship for investment program.

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