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The united state register of securities is made up in Ukraine

						Recently Ukraine has approved the project of state register of securities. Officials of the state confidently declare that the project is ready for realization. Such a register will be administrated by a certain official – a regulator. The information concerning the issues of different types of securities, suspension of their circulation and also the information about registration cancelling will be included in the register. The project of the state register is planned to place on the official site of State Commission of Securities and stock market of Ukraine. 		
Expert’s opinion

“The introduction of the state register of securities issues is definitely a progressive step made by Ukraine. This project will optimize the performance of securities, providing relevant information regarding the type of securities, their limitations in circulation, etc. It seems that these changes in the stock market sphere have occurred in order to establish consistency and harmonization with European standards”.

On the basis: www.investfunds.ua

Vorontsova Maria ( the lawyer of international consulting department of Honest & Bright)

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